Business/Corporate Law
你的商业律师可以帮助你分析和准备商业交易. 无论你是在购买还是出售一项业务或资产, 重要的是要考虑交易的所有法律方面. At Keilen Law, PLC, 你的律师会帮助你制定一个谨慎而实用的策略, 让你回到最重要的事情上.
Business/Corporate Formation
Keilen Law 帮助您选择合适的实体为您的业务. Keilen Law专门从事私人企业. 你的商业律师会考虑你的目标, such as capital, liability/asset protection, voting, dispute resolution, contracts, and other related issues.
Construction Law
建筑纠纷可能很复杂. There are strict guidelines and statutes that control construction based lawsuits; thus, 了解你的权利和义务是至关重要的, and enforce them properly.
Copyright Law
Under the Copyright Act, 原创作品的作者对受版权保护的作品有很强的保护, such as literary work, dramatic work, musical work, artistic work, and other related categories.
Employment Law
雇佣律师必须仔细考虑劳资关系的相关事实和情况. 雇员辞职是雇主与雇员关系的自愿和永久的断绝.
Estate and Trust Litigation
遗产诉讼律师帮助客户处理与遗嘱认证遗产有关的纠纷, wills, guardianships, trusts, and related probate matters. In probate disputes, like traditional litigation, 你的律师会考虑你的目标,并相应地调整你的请愿书或诉讼.
Choosing the right estate planning attorney is an important decision. We provide a free initial consultation 更多地了解你的目标和反对意见. At the initial consultation, 客户端提供建议和一个固定的价格报价-然后你可以决定. Contact us 了解更多龙8国际app的遗产规划律师和资产保护.
Intellectual Property
The attorneys at Keilen Law 能帮助您获得、维护和保护您的知识产权吗. 今天就联系凯伦律师事务所的律师,了解更多关于专利许可的选择, copyrightable material, trademark rights, and trade secrets.
Life Science/Medical Device
CGMP’s and Labeling, in addition to others, 对于开发者来说重要的指导方针是什么, manufacturing partners, labeling partners, 供应链上的其他参与者必须考虑.
有经验的出庭律师总是以结果为出发点. 你的律师必须确保诉讼完全符合你的目标. At Keilen Law,客户端为你的案子准备了一个以客户为中心的策略. 无论你是个人还是大公司, 凯伦律师事务所的律师会热情地为你辩护, and professional legal acumen.
Medical Malpractice
Doctors, surgeons, 牙医和其他医疗专业人员应该对每个病人都给予一定程度的照顾. 当其中一人未能提供预期的护理水平时, 这可以被认为是过失, or medical malpractice.
Personal Injury
严重的事故造成严重的伤害,从而永远改变生活. As a result, 人身伤害诉讼有时是必要的,以帮助那些谁已经成为医疗事故的受害者, reckless driving, 或者其他形式的过失行为.
Real Estate Law
房地产律师帮助客户购买或出售房地产, property line disputes, development projects, and zoning issues. 房地产律师可以帮助你处理重要的尽职调查事宜, 从而帮助您解决与房地产交易和纠纷相关的共同挑战.
Trademark Law
根据《龙8国际app》(以下简称“法案”),商标法旨在防止消费者混淆. The Act protects consumers by creating certain rights for trademark owners; the basic goal being that consumers develop quality expectations and goodwill associated with certain brands.
Vehicle Accident and Injury
当你在密歇根州发生车祸时,你可能需要一个 vehicle accident attorney. In such a situation, 重要的是,你所寻求的任何指导都来自于对密歇根州复杂的汽车事故法律知识渊博的合格法律专业人士.
Premises Liability
Premises liability law 赔偿发生在业主财产上的损害或伤害. 这可能包括密歇根州的私人住宅和商业场所. 了解可能发生的多种事故或伤害.